Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Light Bulb Anatomy

In the Light Bulb Anatomy Concept Builder, learners explore the manner in which a light bulb is wired and how to configure the bulbs within a circuit in order to produce an intended result. There are 48 total questions that are organized into 18 different Question Groups and spread across three Activities. The three activities include Which Bulb Will Light?, Pathways, and Wire It Up. Activity 1 - Which Bulb Will Light? challenges learners to identify which configurations of a cell, a bulb and a wire will result in a lit bulb. In Activity 2 - Pathways, learners inspect the arrangement of two bulbs and two wires and determine the path of charge through the bulbs and wires and identify which of the two bulbs (if any) will light. And in Activity 3 - Wire It Up, learners make decisions about where to attach a connecting wire in order to get a specified bulb or set of bulbs to light. Question-specific help is provided for each of the 18 situations. The built-in score-keeping makes this Concept Builder a perfect candidate for a classroom activity.

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